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"Society of the Prince of Peace" is a interdenominational Christian faith fellowship, established in the year 1990 by the spirit filled pastors, evangelists and believers. It has started its headquarter at Tenali town and Guntur district of the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. Tenali town is situated towards east at the distance of 30 K.Ms. from the district headquarter. It is a small town with a population of 1,500,000 out of which 85% are Hindu, 12% Muslim and 3% Christian. The town has been religiously, politically and socially dominated by the Hindu agrarian communities, very recently they constructed, 60 feet high idol of lord Vinayak (God with elephant head) because idolatry is being the biggest form of worship in our country.


Litchfield Associates is a media company whose sole purpose is to make available the Alexander Scourby Bible narrations to the masses. We believe that technology is a gift that can help you access the Words of life found in the Bible. We hope that you will take advantage of this special from the Publisher offer and put this new technology to work for you and download the Words of Life onto your computer, flash drive, MP3 players or even your Ipod. The Bible will now be at your finger tips in various formats ready to be a source of continuing comfort and inspiration anytime and anywhere.

www.bible-books-maps.com Established in 1958, Carta is a privately held company that has been and still is Israel’s leading cartographic firm. Carta has been supplying maps and mapping services to government agencies and private firms, universities and scholars, commercial enterprises and institutions, and newspapers and magazines since its inception. 


Christian Mobile Directory


Odata cu aparitia si evolutia Internetului, au aparut modalitati de exprimare si comunicare candva nebanuite: site-ul si blogul. Apar din ce in ce mai multe initiative in ceea ce priveste prezenta in spatiul Web. Adventist Online isi propune sa fie un loc care sa adune contributiile multora la raspandirea Evangheliei.

Oamenii se intreaba ce poate fi acela un miracol. Ce se intampla daca intre banalitate si deceptie miracolul poate avea loc? Miracolul exista, se intampla langa noi poate prea aproape pentru ca sa-l bagam in seama. Pentru multi oameni acest miracol se numeste Radio Vocea Sperantei.

Go Bible was started in July 2003 by Jolon Faichney but has sinced grown into a large collaborative effort of people translating, maintaining, supporting, and coding.

The SWORD Project is the CrossWire Bible Society's free Bible software project. Its purpose is to create cross-platform open-source tools-- covered by the GNU General Public License -- that allow programmers and Bible societies to write new Bible software more quickly and easily.




Phoenix Mission este un grup interconfesional de misiune care reuneste periodic crestini de toate denominatiile din Arizona, cu scopul de-a crea punti de legatura intre toti romanii din statul Marelui Canion. Constienti fiind de faptul ca unitatea crestina contribuie substantial la unitatea conationalilor nostri de pretutindeni, ne propunem sa promovam aspectele fundamentale ale invataturii si eticii crestine.


TH!NKB!G MINISTRIES is a Ecumenical  Organisation, which looks at uniting ALL Christians, Globally. Through various Ministries,  Networking, Advertising and the un-conditional love of Christ.





Bible on the mobile phone



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Christian Classics Ethereal Library



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