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Levitic 17:3

17:3 Daca cineva din casa lui Israel junghie in tabara sau afara din tabara un bou, un miel sau o capra,

Daca cineva. Cand poporul Israel a parasit Egiptul, impreuna cu evreii a plecat si o grupa mare alcatuita mai ales din egipteni. Biblia ii numeste ,,oameni de tot soiul”, literal ,,multime numeroasa amestecata” (Exod 12,38; Numeri 11,4). Un cuvant si mai bun ar putea fi ,,gloata”, folosit de unele traduceri. Ei erau o sursa de necaz permanent, si chiar conducatori la razvratire. Ei au fost cei care au instigat cererea dupa mancare de carne, care a avut ca rezultat moartea a mii de oameni (Numeri 11,4-6; 18-20; 31-33). Desi erau zilnic martori la minunea manei din cer, ei erau nerecunoscatori si nesfintiti. Ca si cei ce traiesc datorita binefacerii altora, cererile lor cresteau mereu.

Este rezonabil a se presupune ca aceasta multime amestecata urma sa incerce sa-si continue sarbatorile ceremoniale pagane. In Egipt existau cele mai degradate forme de paganism. Printre acestea, probabil ca cea mai degradanta era inchinarea la diavol (Levitic 17,7), in legatura cu care se jertfeau tapi sau satiri (RSV). Printre izraeliti incepusera sa se furiseze abuzurile si era nevoie de o reforma.

Inainte de ridicarea sanctuarului, tatal familiei era si preotul ei, si ca atare aducea jertfe. Cand a fost ridicat Cortul Intalnirii si preotii au luat sarcina aducerii de jertfe, in viata lui Israel a avut loc o mare schimbare. Tatal le-a cedat levitilor o parte din prerogativele lui de mai inainte, iar acest fapt poate ca a dat nastere la nemultumire.

Obiectul care a pricinuit dificultatea cea mai mare a fost regula ca toate jertfele de animale trebuiau sa se faca de aici inainte numai la Sanctuar si ca sarbatorile care aveau loc de obicei in legatura cu jertfele trebuiau sa fie tinute tot acolo. Lucrul acesta in sine nu avea sa pricinuiasca dificultati lui Israel, pentru ca sanctuarul era asezat central in pustie pentru a ajunge la el cu usurinta. Dar acest aranjament avea sa puna capa sarbatorilor multimii amestecate pe care, putem presupune ca, multi izraeliti le adoptasera cu entuziasm. Pana unde mersesera izraelitii cu aceasta inchinare idolatra reiese clar din porunca din versetul 7.

Dintre toate sacrificiile, jertfele pentru pace erau cele mai predispuse la abuzuri. In general, celelalte, in care era vorba de sange, fie erau date preotului, fie erau arse, dupa ce sangele fusese stropit si grasimea indepartata. In nici unul dintre cazuri, cel care aducea jertfa nu primea nici o parte din ea. Doar la jertfele pentru pace, Domnul primea sangele si grasimea, iar preotul pieptul si spata dreapta (cap. 7,34), iar ce mai ramanea ii apartinea aducatorului jertfei si invitatilor lui (Deutronom 27,7; vezi Levitic 7,15).

Din punct de vedere pur omenesc, jertfele pentru pace aveau un alt avantaj. De obicei, pentru ca o jertfa sa fie primita trebuia sa fie desavarsita (cap. 22,21; 3,1), dar o jertfa pentru pace, fiind o jertfa de buna voie, nu se cerea sa fie desavarsita. Ea putea fi folosita chiar daca avea ,,un madular prea lung sau prea scurt” (cap 2,23). Daca un om dorea sa dea o serbare, putea sa aleaga un animal care era diform, dar nu bolnav.

De aici inainte, el trebuia sa-l aduca la Cortul Intalnirii si sa-I prezinte Domnului, adica preotului, ceea ce cerea Dumnezeu. De aici inainte, nici un izraelit nu mai putea participa la nici o celebrare, in afara de acelea tinute in interiorul taberei. Se presupune ca acestea erau conduse in armonie cu regulile religioase si sociale cuprinse in Legea lui Dumnezeu.

Mutarea sacrificarilor si a festivitatilor avea sa aiba si alte rezultate dorite. Se pare ca textul vrea sa spuna ca orice sacrificare a animalelor trebuia sa aiba loc sub directa supraveghere a preotilor. In felul acesta, chiar si junghierea unui animal era facuta ca act semi-religios. Inteleasa in felul acesta, porunca avea sa sublinieze faptul ca Dumnezeu trebuia sa fie recunoscut in toate lucrurile, ca El cerea o parte din tot ce aveau, in acest caz, sangele si grasimea. Acest act avea sa-i invete pe cei din Israel sa-L cinsteasca pe Dumnezeu cu avutul lor si sa imparta cu preotii ce le apartinea. Mai ales varsarea de sange si sangele insusi a capatat un sens nou, pentru ca poporul avea sa-l trateze cu cel mai mare respect si nu putea sa-l manance in nici o imprejurare.

Principiile acestea sunt tot atat de valabile acum ca atunci. Dumnezeu are o pretentie asupra a tot ce posedam. Dumnezeu trebuie sa fie onorat chiar si in ce priveste mancarea si bautura. De asemenea, Dumnezeu ar dori ca poporul Sau sa fie deosebit de multimea amestecata. In asocierea cu lumea sunt pericole si pentru tanar, si pentru batran. Legaturile se formeaza usor, iar rezultatele sunt adesea fatale pentru credinta celui credincios. Scolile din lume sunt pline de primejdii. Functiile lor sociale sunt o cursa, dupa cum sunt si exercitiile de clasa si de absolvire in Sabat. Oricine merge ,,afara din tabara” are nevoie de o protectie deosebita si mai intai trebuie sa aiba o chemare sigura de la Dumnezeu sa faca asa.

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Special note for ANDROID SmartPhones
I recommend to download PhoneMe emulator for Android from here. Especially I recommend phoneME Advanced - Foundation Profile + MIDP High Resolution b168 rev20547 from here, or from here.

Then you have to build your application, to transfer the .jar and .jad files on your mobile phone and run using this nice emulator.

1. Install a Zip Utility from Android Market.

2. Install a File Manager from Android Market.

3. Download and install PhoneMe, as mentioned above.

4. Build your application by using Download Multilingual Service or Dynamic Download (zip).

5. Copy the zip file into your Android Phone and unzip the content in a folder, and then write down the path to the unzipped files and the name of the .jad file.

6. Launch PhoneMe from your smartphone.

7. Inside PhoneMe, write to the main window the path and the name to the .jad file, above mentioned. Will look something like: file:///mnt/sd/download/BiblePhone.jad and then press enter.

8. The application will be installed, and next a hyperlink will be available below the above mentioned textbox. On this way you can install as many of MIDP application you like on your Android Phone.

How to install the application in Java Mobile enabled phones

It is possible now to have the Holy Scriptures on your mobile phone and to read it wherever you are due to the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) technology in 1.0 and 2.0 versions, developed for Java applications.

A good advice is to try in the beginning the MIDP 1.0 / 128 Kbytes version, and progressively to advance to MIDP 2.0 and larger volumes (512 Kbytes or more).

The application is available for MIDP 2.0, MIDP 1.0. You have only to select one table on the field MIDP2.0 or MIDP1.0, according to the desired Bible version. Then, you shall make a click on the JAR (Java Archive) file in order to obtain the software to be installed on your mobile phone.

I recommend you to start with STARTER(MIDP1.0old) edition, then to continue with INTERMEDIATE(MIDP1.0), and in the end, if the mobile phone supports this thing, to try to install the ADVANCED (MIDP2.0) edition. Also, start with 128 kbytes volumes, continue with 512 kbytes, and at the end try the version in one file.

There are cases where the mobile phone requires so called JAD (Java Descriptor) files. These JAD files has to be uploaded, on this case, together with the desired JAR files(s).

There are different methods to download the applications in your mobile phone as follows:
1. Directly from Internet by using a WAP or GPRS connection
2. By using the infrared port of the mobile phone
3. By wireless Bluetooth access to the mobile phone
4. By cable link between PC ad mobile phone
5. If none from the above cases are valid

Next, we shall examine each case in order to have a successfully installation of the software.

1. Directly from Internet by using a WAP or GPRS connection

If your have Internet access on your mobile phone (e.g. WAP or GPRS), it is enough to access https://biblephone.intercer.net/wap/  from the browser of the mobile phone, and to access the desired Bible version, and then to make an option about MIDP1.0 or MIDP2.0, and finally to select the desired module (e.g. one or more). After the last selection, the desired version will be downloaded on your mobile phone.

Many phones have only this option for installing JAVA appplications.

2. By using the infrared port of the mobile phone

Sometimes there is a need for a special uploader software for specific mobile phones.

If you don't have access to Internet directly from your mobile phone, then you shall have to pass to this step requiring to have infrared ports on your mobile phone and on the computer.
a. On this case, you will download the application by using the computer from the Internet (i.e. JAR files).
b. Once the application is downloaded (preferable on the desktop) you will have to activate the infrared port on the mobile phone and align it with the infrared port of the computer (preferable laptop).

c. Then a window will appear asking what file you want to send to the mobile phone. Next, you will select the downloaded JAR file, and after OK, the mobile phone will ask you if you want to load that file. You say YES and the application will be downloaded on your mobile phone.
d. Probably, you will be asked by the mobile phone where you want to save it (e.g. on the games or applications directories). After you made this selection, the file will be ready to be loaded for run.
The displaying preference can be set inside the application in order to have larger fonts, full screen display etc.

3. By wireless Bluetooth access to the mobile phone

Sometimes there is a need for a special uploader software for specific mobile phones.
This situation is similar with the infrared case. You have only to activate Bluetooth access on your mobile phone (check if exists) and on the computer (check if exists).

4. By cable link between PC ad mobile phone
Sometimes there is a need for a special uploader software for specific mobile phones.
On this case the steps are as follows:

a. On this case, you will download the application by using the computer from the Internet (i.e. JAR files).
b. Once the application is downloaded (preferable on the desktop) you will have to set up the wired connection between the mobile phone and the computer. Next, you will start the synchronization / data transfer application and download the JAR file in your mobile phone. Surely, you will have to consult the CD of your mobile phone.
c. By this application you shall transfer into your mobile phone the JAR file in the games or applications directories. Next, you will have to select for run the JAR desired file.

5. If none from the above cases are valid
On this unhappy case, I recommend you to find a friend with a laptop having infrared / Bluetooth capabilities, or to buy a data link cable, or to change your current model of mobile phone.
Unfortunately, some models of mobile phones require only WAP/GPRS in order to download and run Java applications.

Sometimes there is a need for a special uploader software for specific mobile phones. Therefore check the documentation of them and also the page for specific models.

Why so many versions? Simple, because not all the mobile phones support the Bible in one file with MIDP 2.0 (the most advanced for the time being).

Multilingual Online Ebooks

It is possible now to have the inspirational ebooks on your browser and to read it allowing you to make comparisons between different translations or versions for a specific language. This occasion is unique, and you have only to browse to the desired author and book.

Select another version:

Source: Text from read this link, compiled by biblephone2008@gmail.com

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If you have any questions, remarks, suggestions, please contact me here. May God bless you in studying the Holy Scriptures.

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