Electronic Books / Help / English / BiblePhone / Web / Guidance

Guidance 7:2

1. By using TEQUILACAT

For those persons wishing to develop mobile phone applications, I recommend the developer availabe at the following Internet address
http://tequilacat.org/dev/br/index-en.html. You will use JAR files for direct download and JAD files while using WAP/GPRS connection.

For instance, you can take the processed text (cch.zip) that was to be saved as Central European Windows system font from Word for Windows before being processed with Tequilacat. Also, after you make Add Book on the menu of Tequilacat, you have to choose for instance for Text Encoding: Eastern European (Cp 1250).

2. By using GOBIBLE

Also, at
http://gobible.jolon.org you will find a developer in Java, but you shall need a little programming skills in order to use it.

At the address http://gobible.jolon.org/ you will find other Bibles, too. The texts used on the applications are from the public domain available mainly from http://www.unboundbible.org , http://www.ccel.org or from other public sources.