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Guidance 3:2

Because many people has complaint about this topic, I came back with some improvements. First of all you have to download the following file Conversions.zip

Now, you shall have to save it somewhere on your computer and unzip it in a distinct folder. You will obtain several files:
1. txt2dat.vbs, this is the converter from .txt format to database .dat format;
2. dat2xml.vbs, this is the converter from .dat format to thml .xml format.
3. dat2txt.vbs, this is the converter from .dat format to .txt format (the reverse of txt2dat.vbs).
4. unl.dat, this is the database with the names of the books that will be used to obtain .xml format. You can open it either by wordpad, either (better) by Excel and have a sense of it, and even you can modify it if you want to convert other book than the Bible.
5. Swa2BibleWork.doc, that is a Word document used as an example containing the Swahili Union Bible.

Now, let's understand the last file (i.e. Swa2BibleWork.doc). It has the following structure (I use to say that is a pseudo-xml structure):

1. A commentary starting with "#", something like # Swahili Union Version Bible. This line will be taken as it is in the process of conversion and will not be processed.

2. A <bookID> tag, closed with </bookID>. For instance we have <bookID>1</bookID>, that means the first book from the Bible. This codification is taken from unl.dat file, and you shall see that 1 is assigned to the book of Genesis. Of course, if you deal with other book you will use another equivalence for the number 1 in the unl.dat, that can be edited with wordpad or Excel as you like (I'd rather Excel).

3. A <chapterID> tag, closed with </chapterID>. For instance we have <chapterID>1</chapterID>, that means the first chapter and so on. Till the next <bookID> tag, we suppose that you have chapters from the same book.

Each paragraph means a verse in ascending numerical order for the Bible, or a paragraph from the above mentioned chapter and will appear as they are.

Now, you have to follow the steps:

1. Edit and save your work in .doc format.

2. Open the .doc format and save using Word with Save As in .txt format. At the prompt, you shall choose Unicode UTF-8 format. You will obtain in our case Swa2BibleWork.txt.

3. Run txt2dat.vbs script. You will obtain in our case Swa2BibleWork.dat.

4. Run dat2xml.vbs script. You will obtain in our case Swa2BibleWork.xml, that is the thml file.

Now you have to use it by running the GoBible Creator software from http://gobible.jolon.org
