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Guidance, 23

23:1 A new e-book generator named EBook


I've just received an news that at http://ebookme.sourceforge.net/ you can download and use a new e-book generator named EBookME. EBookME is application for creating and reading e-books on the mobile phones and other devices which supports JME (Java Micro Edition) with MIDP 1.0 profile. It consists of two parts:

EBookME supports many input file types (thanks to aperture project):

EBookME reader works corretly also on devices which doesn’t provide filesystem to application and a reader can’t be standalone application separated from data files. It uses adventages of Java and stores application and data in one archive file.

EBookME is localized for following languages:

License EBookME is licensed under GNU LGPL.

History EBookME was initially developed in 2003 by Tomas Darmovzal. After 2 years Josef Cacek take over this project and started to add new features and fix bugs. He registered it as sourceforge project and till now is admin of this project.

Authors Josef Cacek josef.cacek@gmail.com http://www.cacek.cz/

Tomas Darmovzal tomas.darmovzal@seznam.cz (web)

Jiri Bartos juro.bartos@gmail.com

Eduard Hatar eduard.hatar@gmail.com