Electronic Books / Help / English / BiblePhone / Web / Guidance

Guidance 15:2


For PSP (PlayStation Portable) devices, there are two main ways as to install BiblePhone application:

1. By adding the reading .txt files feature. For this you have to install a .txt PSP reader (e.g. http://wareseeker.com/download/psp-ebook-reader-1.0.rar/7c2c8397d), and then you will be able to read text files. Next, you can use the version provisioned for iPod/MP4 players, from biblephone.intercer.net/ipod.

Also, you need to do the followings:

2. By adding the Java virtual machine. For this you have to install the Java virtual machine, for instance from http://pspupdates.qj.net/tags/PimpJava/10316, or better from http://dl.qj.net/PeeJay-v0.1-PSP-Homebrew-Applications/pg/12/fid/11286/catid/151. After the set-up of this feature, you will have the ability to run a Java application, including BiblePhone.