Electronic Books / Adventist / Romanian / Ellen White / Web / Tragedia veacurilor

Tragedia veacurilor 45:81

45:81 Pentru istoria de început a Imperiului Otoman şi declinul puterii turceşti vezi şi William Miller, The Ottoman Empire and Its Successors, 1801-1927 (Cambridge, England University Press, 1936); George G.S.L.Eversley, The Turkish Empire From 1288 la 1914 London: T.Fisher Unwin, Ltd. ed. a 2-a, 1923); Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Geschichte des Osmannischen Reichs (Pesth: C.A.Hartleben, ed.2-a, 1834-36), 4; vol. Herbert A.Gibbons, Foundation of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1403 (Oxford; University Press, 1916); Arnold J.Toynbee and Kenneth B.Kirkwood, Turkey (London, 1926).