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Tragedia veacurilor 45:30

45:30 Pentru discuţiile despre liturghie, vezi The Catholic Encyclopedia vol.5, art. "Eucharist", de Joseph Pohle, pl.572; Nikolaus Gihr, Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Dogmatically, Liturgically, Ascetically, Explained, a 12-a ediţie (St. Louis, Missouri; B. Herder, 1937); Josef Andreas Jungmann The Mass of the Roman Rite, Its Origins and Development, tradusă din l. Germană de Francis A. Brunner (New York: Benziger Bros, 1951). Pentru concepţia noncatolică, vezi John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, b.4, cap.17, 18; şi Edward Bouverie Pusey, The Doctrine of the Real Presence (Oxford, England: John H. Parker, 1855).