Electronic Books / Adventist / Romanian / Ellen White / Web / Minte Caracter şi Personalitate vol.1

Minte Caracter şi Personalitate vol.1, 3

3:1 Abrevieri

3:2 AA - The Acts of the Apostles

3:3 AH - The Adventist Home

3:4 AM - An Appeal to Mothers Relative to the Great Cause of the Physical, Mental, and Moral Ruin of Many of the Children of Our Time

3:5 1BC - The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, - Vol. 1 (2BC etc. for Vols. 2-7)

3:6 CD - Counsels on Diet and Foods

3:7 CEd - Christian Education

3:8 CG - Child Guidance

3:9 CH - Counsels on Health

3:10 CM - Colporteur Ministry

3:11 COL - Christ's Object Lessons

3:12 CS - Counsels on Stewardship

3:13 CSW - Counsels on Sabbath School Work

3:14 CT - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students

3:15 CTBH - Christian Temperance (E.G. White) and Bible - Hygiene (James White)

3:16 CW - Counsels to Writers and Editors

3:17 DA - The Desire of Ages

3:18 Ed - Education

3:19 Ev - Evangelism

3:20 EW - Early Writings

3:21 FE - Fundamentals of Christian Education

3:22 GC - The Great Controversy

3:23 GCB - General Conference Bulletin

3:24 GH - Good Health

3:25 GW - Gospel Workers (1892, 1915)

3:26 HC - Our High Calling

3:27 HL - Health: or How to Live

3:28 HP - In Heavenly Places

3:29 HPMMW - Health, Philanthropic, and Medical Missionary Work

3:30 HR - Health Reformer

3:31 HS - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists

3:32 KH - That I May Know Him

3:33 LS - Life Sketches of Ellen G. White

3:34 Lt - Ellen G. White Letter

3:35 MB - Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing

3:36 MH - The Ministry of Healing

3:37 ML - My Life Today

3:38 MM - Medical Ministry

3:39 MS - Ellen G. White Manuscript

3:40 MYP - Messages to Young People

3:41 PHJ - Pacific Health Journal

3:42 PK - Prophets and Kings

3:43 PP - Patriarchs and Prophets

3:44 RH - Review and Herald

3:45 SC - Steps to Christ

3:46 SD - Sons and Daughters of God

3:47 4SG - Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 4, part 1

3:48 SL - The Sanctified Life

3:49 1SM - Selected Messages, Book one

3:50 2SM - Selected Messages, Book two

3:51 SpT - Series A Special Testimonies, Series A

3:52 SpT - Series B Special Testimonies, Series B

3:53 SpTBC - Special Testimonies to the Battle Creek Church

3:54 SpTEd - Special Testimonies on Education

3:55 SpTMM - Special Testimonies Relating to Medical Missionary Work

3:56 SpTMWI - Special Testimonies to Managers and Workers in Institutions

3:57 SpTPH - Special Testimonies to Physicians and Helpers

3:58 SR - Story of Redemption

3:59 ST - Signs of the Times

3:60 SW - Southern Watchman

3:61 1T - Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 1 (2T etc. for Vols. 2-9)

3:62 Te - Temperance

3:63 TM - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers

3:64 TSS - Selections From the Testimonies Bearing on Sabbath School Work (1900)

3:65 Und MS - Undated Ellen G. White Manuscript

3:66 WM - Welfare Ministry

3:67 YI - Youth's Instructor

3:68 Secţiunea I

3:69 Activitatea de cercetare în domeniul minţii