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Electronic Bibles / Spanish / Reina Valera Gomez 2004 / Desktop


Reina Valera Gomez 2004

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Text source: Copyright 2004 By Dr. Humberto G=mez Caballero, Iglesia Bautista Libertad de Matamoros Tam. MTxico, Liberty Baptist Church of Matamoros Tam. Mexico, P.O. Box 868, Brownsville, Tx 78522, Estados Unidos de AmTrica, E Mail humbertogoca@prodigy.net.mx, Ph. 956867-1281 Ph, en Mexico 011-52-8688-140352. Completly prohibited to print, or reproduce the text for the purpose of profit. The rights reserved are not for sale, and are only to protect us against any organization, or person that wants to take possession of the text. All Churches or organizations that want to print or reproduce it for free distribution have the clear liberty to do so without need to pay royalties, always and when they do not change any of the written words.

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